by Lisa Ovens
I don't know if it was sitting back on the lead, or if the Canucks were running out of gas after the first two periods after the much talked about nine day lay off that allowed the Chicago Blackhawks back into the game. But it was glaringly evident when the Canucks blew the 3-0 lead, that if you give the Blackhawks an inch, they'll take a mile without anything so much as a thank you.
The Goal Tender's world can seem like a lonely one at times
The fact the Canucks were able to recover, late in the third period capitize on rebound for the game winning Sami Salo goal, and then make the most of a loose puck to add one to the ENG (empty net goal) column brought the fans to their feet.
Game one of this series was indeed an emotional roller coaster ride for fans: nervous about the lay off and wary of the Blackhawks speed, skill and talent. I did what I could to ease the pre-game emotions in GM Place: a donned my blue feather playoff boa and hit the concourse, spreading whimsy, administering light-hearted tickles, and leaving the odd errant feather floating in my wake.
During the first period action, noticing the Canucks taking way too many pretty passes and ultimately not converting their chances, I was a vision of contradiction yelling "Garbage...give us a garbage goal guys!!!" while simultaneously flitting the classy playoff boa in the air.
My game buddy might have been the one in our section who travelled the furthest for game one of the Canucks/Hawks series. Chelsea, a Pittsburgh native, Penguins intern, and a charter member of the hockeyandhighheels.com club (this means you've read the book and visit the website for more of my shtick) club flew into town on business and we connected for a little site seeing, serious hockey talk and the game.
Lisa BB (before boa) and Chelsea after she loses the Pens Tee
I took her to see the 2010 Olympic Speed Skating Oval in the afternoon. Following the Team 1040's sports talk radio host, Blake Price's suggestion of starting a random "Go Canucks Go" chant, I tried one out in the lobby of the Oval. Sadly no one chimed in; instead they just turned and stared, me in my blue Canucks Tee, and Chelsea in her black Penguins Tee. I quickly followed up with "Hey, we are a walking billboard for a potential Stanley Cup Final, yeah?" pointing at our chests. There were giggles...mostly from us.
I also tested out another Blake Price suggestion: Chanting Blackhawks goal tender’s first name Nikolai at the game, but imitating the Ricola cough drop “shout out” commercial http://www.ricola.com/, because as Price pointed out, the two names sound very similar. While the rest of the crowd started chanting “Bulin, Bulin” I was singing “Nik-o-laiiiii, Nik-o- laiiiii” No one seemed to catch on to that one, Blake. But I agree with you that it is by far the better goalie name taunt cheer.
Next up: Game Two...
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